Counselling Centre/Service / Practice Membership - €475 (EUR) per year. A membership category available to Counselling Centres, Group Practices and Services. The annual membership fee grants access to:
- Up-to-date information on International Counselling Developments
- Worldwide Contacts & Network
- Certificate of Membership
- Reciprical link: Complimentary reciprocal link with your organsiation on the IAC website.
- Conference Discounts: On conference programme, exhibit space and other advertising.
- Listing on our World Mapping of the Counselling Profession Website
- IAC Member Logo: Which can be displayed on your centre's website, materials and social media profiles.
- IAC Journal: Quarterly copies of IAC’s International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling plus all back-issues since 1976
- Contribute to decisions of strategic importance to the counselling profession (giving feedbak on relevant policy/documents)
- Service opportunities in leadership roles
- Opportunity to contribute to global counselling research (e.g. the World Mapping of the Counselling Profession) and projects
- Support the IAC vision of "A world where counselling is available to all"
- Fast, user-friendly and low-cost application
- Communicate your Counselling Centre / Practices values
- Certificate of Membership
- Global Contacts & Network
- Listing on IAC Website
- IAC Journal
- Discounts on all Educational Materials